39 lines
985 B
Org Mode
39 lines
985 B
Org Mode
#+TITLE: 02-Markup
#+DESCRIPTION: Simple org file to test markup
* First level
:ID: 02-markup-first-level-id
:CREATED: [2020-01-01 Wed 01:01]
This is a *bold phrase*.
This is a =verbatim phrase=.
This is a /italic phrase/.
This is a +strike-through phrase+.
This is a _underlined phrase_.
This is a ~code phrase~.
This is a nested *bold =verbatim /italic +strike _underlined ~code .~ ._ .+ ./ .= .*
This is a interleaved *bold =verbatim /italic +strike _underlined ~code .* .= ./ .+ ._ .~
This is a _ non-underlined phrase because an incorrectly placed content _.
This is a _ non-underlined phrase because an incorrectly placed content beginning_.
This is a _non-underlined phrase because an incorrectly placed content end _.
This is a _non-underlined phrase because the lack of an end.
This is a _non-underlined phrase because an empty line between beginning and