import collections import difflib import logging import os import re import sys from datetime import datetime, timedelta from enum import Enum from typing import List, Tuple, Union BASE_ENVIRONMENT = { "org-footnote-section": "Footnotes", "org-options-keywords": ( "ARCHIVE:", "AUTHOR:", "BIND:", "CATEGORY:", "COLUMNS:", "CREATOR:", "DATE:", "DESCRIPTION:", "DRAWERS:", "EMAIL:", "EXCLUDE_TAGS:", "FILETAGS:", "INCLUDE:", "INDEX:", "KEYWORDS:", "LANGUAGE:", "MACRO:", "OPTIONS:", "PROPERTY:", "PRIORITIES:", "SELECT_TAGS:", "SEQ_TODO:", "SETUPFILE:", "STARTUP:", "TAGS:" "TITLE:", "TODO:", "TYP_TODO:", "SELECT_TAGS:", "EXCLUDE_TAGS:", ), } HEADLINE_TAGS_RE = re.compile(r"((:[a-zA-Z0-9_@#%]+)+:)\s*$") HEADLINE_RE = re.compile(r"^(?P\*+) (?P\s*)(?P.*?)$") KEYWORDS_RE = re.compile( r"^(?P\s*)#\+(?P[^:\[]+)(\[(?P[^\]]*)\])?:(?P\s*)(?P.*)$" ) DRAWER_START_RE = re.compile(r"^(?P\s*):([^:]+):(?P\s*)$") DRAWER_END_RE = re.compile(r"^(?P\s*):END:(?P\s*)$", re.I) NODE_PROPERTIES_RE = re.compile( r"^(?P\s*):(?P[^+:]+)(?P\+)?:(?P\s*)(?P.+)$" ) RAW_LINE_RE = re.compile(r"^\s*([^\s#:*]|$)") BASE_TIME_STAMP_RE = r"(?P\d{4})-(?P\d{2})-(?P\d{2})( ?(?P[^ ]+))?( (?P\d{1,2}):(?P\d{1,2})(--(?P\d{1,2}):(?P\d{1,2}))?)?" ACTIVE_TIME_STAMP_RE = re.compile(r"<{}>".format(BASE_TIME_STAMP_RE)) INACTIVE_TIME_STAMP_RE = re.compile(r"\[{}\]".format(BASE_TIME_STAMP_RE)) # Org-Babel BEGIN_SRC_RE = re.compile(r"^\s*#\+BEGIN_SRC(?P.*)$", re.I) END_SRC_RE = re.compile(r"^\s*#\+END_SRC\s*$", re.I) RESULTS_DRAWER_RE = re.compile(r"^\s*:results:\s*$", re.I) CodeSnippet = collections.namedtuple("CodeSnippet", ("name", "content", "result")) # BASE_TIME_RANGE_RE = (r'(?P\d{4})-(?P\d{2})-(?P\d{2}) (?P[^ ]+)((?P\d{1,2}):(?P\d{1,2}))?', # r'(?P\d{4})-(?P\d{2})-(?P\d{2}) (?P[^ ]+)((?P\d{1,2}):(?P\d{1,2}))?') def get_tokens(value): if isinstance(value, Text): return value.contents if isinstance(value, RawLine): return [value.line] raise Exception("Unknown how to get tokens from: {}".format(value)) class RangeInRaw: def __init__(self, content, start_token, end_token): self._content = content self._start_id = id(start_token) self._end_id = id(end_token) def update_range(self, new_contents): # Find start token for start_idx, tok in enumerate(self._content.contents): if id(tok) == self._start_id: break else: raise Exception("Start token not found") # Find end token for offset, tok in enumerate(self._content.contents[start_idx:]): if id(tok) == self._end_id: break else: raise Exception("End token not found") # Remove old contents for i in range(1, offset): self._content.contents.pop(start_idx + 1) # Add new ones for i, element in enumerate(new_contents): self._content.contents.insert(start_idx + i + 1, element) def get_links_from_content(content): in_link = False in_description = False link_value = [] link_description = [] for i, tok in enumerate(get_tokens(content)): if isinstance(tok, LinkToken): if tok.tok_type == LinkTokenType.OPEN_LINK: in_link = True open_link_token = tok elif tok.tok_type == LinkTokenType.OPEN_DESCRIPTION: in_description = True elif tok.tok_type == LinkTokenType.CLOSE: rng = RangeInRaw(content, open_link_token, tok) yield Link( "".join(link_value), "".join(link_description) if in_description else None, rng, ) in_link = False in_description = False link_value = [] link_description = [] elif isinstance(tok, str) and in_link: if in_description: link_description.append(tok) else: link_value.append(tok) class Headline: def __init__( self, start_line, depth, orig, properties, keywords, priority_start, priority, title_start, title, state, tags_start, tags, contents, children, structural, delimiters, parent, is_todo, is_done, ): self.start_line = start_line self.depth = depth self.orig = orig = properties self.keywords = keywords self.priority_start = priority_start self.priority = priority self.title_start = title_start self.title = title self.state = state self.tags_start = tags_start self.shallow_tags = tags self.contents = contents self.children = children self.structural = structural self.delimiters = delimiters self.parent = parent self.is_todo = is_todo self.is_done = is_done @property def clock(self): times = [] for chunk in self.contents: for line in chunk.get_raw().split("\n"): content = line.strip() if not content.startswith("CLOCK:"): continue time_seg = content[len("CLOCK:") :].strip() if "--" in time_seg: # TODO: Consider duration start, end = time_seg.split("=")[0].split("--") as_time_range = parse_org_time_range(start, end) parsed = as_time_range else: parsed = parse_org_time(time_seg) times.append(parsed) return times @property def tags(self): if isinstance(self.parent, OrgDoc): return list(self.shallow_tags) else: return list(self.shallow_tags) + self.parent.tags def get_property(self, name: str, default=None): for prop in if prop.key == name: return prop.value return default def get_links(self): for content in self.contents: yield from get_links_from_content(content) def get_lines_between(self, start, end): for line in self.contents: if start <= line.linenum < end: yield "".join(line.contents) def get_contents(self, format): if format == "raw": lines = [] for line in self.contents: lines.append(dump_contents(line)) yield from map(lambda x: x[1], sorted(lines, key=lambda x: x[0])) else: raise NotImplementedError() def get_element_in_line(self, linenum): for line in self.contents: if linenum == line.linenum: return line for (s_lnum, struc) in self.structural: if linenum == s_lnum: return ("structural", struc) def get_structural_end_after(self, linenum): for (s_lnum, struc) in self.structural: if s_lnum > linenum and struc.strip().upper() == ":END:": return (s_lnum, struc) def get_code_snippets(self): inside_code = False sections = [] for delimiter in self.delimiters: if delimiter.delimiter_type == DelimiterLineType.BEGIN_SRC: line_start = delimiter.linenum inside_code = True elif delimiter.delimiter_type == DelimiterLineType.END_SRC: inside_code = False start, end = line_start, delimiter.linenum lines = self.get_lines_between(start + 1, end) contents = "\n".join(lines) if contents.endswith("\n"): # This is not ideal, but to avoid having to do this maybe # the content parsing must be re-thinked contents = contents[:-1] sections.append( { "line_first": start + 1, "line_last": end - 1, "content": contents, } ) line_start = None for kword in self.keywords: if kword.key.upper() == "RESULTS": for snippet in sections: if kword.linenum > snippet["line_last"]: result_first = self.get_element_in_line(kword.linenum + 1) if isinstance(result_first, Text): result = "\n".join(result_first.contents) snippet["result"] = result if result.strip().startswith(": "): # Split lines and remove ':' lines = result.split("\n") s_result = [] for line in lines: if ": " not in line: break s_result.append(line.lstrip(" ")[2:]) snippet["result"] = "\n".join(s_result) elif ( isinstance(result_first, tuple) and len(result_first) == 2 and result_first[0] == "structural" and result_first[1].strip().upper() == ":RESULTS:" ): (end_line, _) = self.get_structural_end_after( kword.linenum + 1 ) contents = "\n".join( self.get_lines_between(kword.linenum + 1, end_line) ) indentation = result_first[1].index(":") dedented = "\n".join( [line[indentation:] for line in contents.split("\n")] ) if dedented.endswith("\n"): dedented = dedented[:-1] snippet["result"] = dedented break results = [] for section in sections: name = None content = section["content"] code_result = section.get("result", None) results.append(CodeSnippet(name=name, content=content, result=code_result)) return results RawLine = collections.namedtuple("RawLine", ("linenum", "line")) Keyword = collections.namedtuple( "Keyword", ("linenum", "match", "key", "value", "options") ) Property = collections.namedtuple( "Property", ("linenum", "match", "key", "value", "options") ) # @TODO How are [YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm--HH:mm] and ([... HH:mm]--[... HH:mm]) differentiated ? # @TODO Consider recurrence annotations Timestamp = collections.namedtuple( "Timestamp", ("active", "year", "month", "day", "dow", "hour", "minute") ) class DelimiterLineType(Enum): BEGIN_SRC = 1 END_SRC = 2 DelimiterLine = collections.namedtuple( "DelimiterLine", ("linenum", "line", "delimiter_type") ) class MarkerType(Enum): NO_MODE = 0b0 BOLD_MODE = 0b1 CODE_MODE = 0b10 ITALIC_MODE = 0b100 STRIKE_MODE = 0b1000 UNDERLINED_MODE = 0b10000 VERBATIM_MODE = 0b100000 MARKERS = { "*": MarkerType.BOLD_MODE, "~": MarkerType.CODE_MODE, "/": MarkerType.ITALIC_MODE, "+": MarkerType.STRIKE_MODE, "_": MarkerType.UNDERLINED_MODE, "=": MarkerType.VERBATIM_MODE, } ModeToMarker = {} for tok, mode in MARKERS.items(): ModeToMarker[mode] = tok MarkerToken = collections.namedtuple("MarkerToken", ("closing", "tok_type")) LinkToken = collections.namedtuple("LinkToken", ("tok_type")) class LinkTokenType(Enum): OPEN_LINK = 3 OPEN_DESCRIPTION = 5 CLOSE = 4 BEGIN_PROPERTIES = "OPEN_PROPERTIES" END_PROPERTIES = "CLOSE_PROPERTIES" def token_from_type(tok_type): return ModeToMarker[tok_type] class TimeRange: def __init__(self, start_time, end_time): self.start_time = start_time self.end_time = end_time @property def duration(self) -> timedelta: delta = self.end - self.start return delta @property def start(self) -> datetime: st = self.start_time return datetime(st.year, st.month,, st.hour or 0, st.minute or 0) @property def end(self) -> datetime: et = self.end_time return datetime(et.year, et.month,, et.hour or 0, et.minute or 0) def parse_org_time_range(start, end): return TimeRange(parse_org_time(start), parse_org_time(end)) def parse_org_time(value): if m := ACTIVE_TIME_STAMP_RE.match(value): active = True elif m := INACTIVE_TIME_STAMP_RE.match(value): active = False else: return None if"end_hour"): return TimeRange( Timestamp( active, int("year")), int("month")), int("day")),"dow"), int("start_hour")), int("start_minute")), ), Timestamp( active, int("year")), int("month")), int("day")),"dow"), int("end_hour")), int("end_minute")), ), ) return Timestamp( active, int("year")), int("month")), int("day")),"dow"), int("start_hour")) if"start_hour") else None, int("start_minute")) if"start_minute") else None, ) def timerange_to_string(tr: TimeRange): return timestamp_to_string(tr.start_time) + "--" + timestamp_to_string(tr.end_time) def timestamp_to_string(ts: Timestamp): date = "{year}-{month:02d}-{day:02d}".format( year=ts.year, month=ts.month, ) if ts.dow: date = date + " " + ts.dow if ts.hour is not None: base = "{date} {hour:02}:{minute:02d}".format( date=date, hour=ts.hour, minute=ts.minute ) else: base = date if return "<{}>".format(base) else: return "[{}]".format(base) def get_raw(doc): if isinstance(doc, str): return doc else: return doc.get_raw() class Line: def __init__(self, linenum, contents): self.linenum = linenum self.contents = contents def get_raw(self): rawchunks = [] for chunk in self.contents: if isinstance(chunk, str): rawchunks.append(chunk) else: rawchunks.append(chunk.get_raw()) return "".join(rawchunks) + "\n" class Link: def __init__(self, value: str, description: str, origin: RangeInRaw): self._value = value self._description = description self._origin = origin def get_raw(self): if self.description: return "[[{}][{}]]".format(self.value, self.description) else: return "[[{}]]".format(self.value) def _update_content(self): new_contents = [] new_contents.append(self._value) if self._description: new_contents.append(LinkToken(LinkTokenType.OPEN_DESCRIPTION)) new_contents.append(self._description) self._origin.update_range(new_contents) @property def value(self): return self._value @value.setter def value(self, new_value): self._value = new_value self._update_content() @property def description(self): return self._description @description.setter def description(self, new_description): self._description = new_description self._update_content() class Text: def __init__(self, contents, line): self.contents = contents self.linenum = line def __repr__(self): return "{{Text line: {}; content: {} }}".format(self.linenum, self.contents) def get_raw(self): contents = [] for chunk in self.contents: if isinstance(chunk, str): contents.append(chunk) elif isinstance(chunk, LinkToken): if chunk.tok_type == LinkTokenType.OPEN_LINK: contents.append("[[") elif chunk.tok_type == LinkTokenType.OPEN_DESCRIPTION: contents.append("][") else: assert chunk.tok_type == LinkTokenType.CLOSE contents.append("]]") else: assert isinstance(chunk, MarkerToken) contents.append(token_from_type(chunk.tok_type)) return "".join(contents) class Bold: Marker = "*" def __init__(self, contents, line): self.contents = contents def get_raw(self): raw = "".join(map(get_raw, self.contents)) return f"{self.Marker}{raw}{self.Marker}" class Code: Marker = "~" def __init__(self, contents, line): self.contents = contents def get_raw(self): raw = "".join(map(get_raw, self.contents)) return f"{self.Marker}{raw}{self.Marker}" class Italic: Marker = "/" def __init__(self, contents, line): self.contents = contents def get_raw(self): raw = "".join(map(get_raw, self.contents)) return f"{self.Marker}{raw}{self.Marker}" class Strike: Marker = "+" def __init__(self, contents, line): self.contents = contents def get_raw(self): raw = "".join(map(get_raw, self.contents)) return f"{self.Marker}{raw}{self.Marker}" class Underlined: Marker = "_" def __init__(self, contents, line): self.contents = contents def get_raw(self): raw = "".join(map(get_raw, self.contents)) return f"{self.Marker}{raw}{self.Marker}" class Verbatim: Marker = "=" def __init__(self, contents, line): self.contents = contents def get_raw(self): raw = "".join(map(get_raw, self.contents)) return f"{self.Marker}{raw}{self.Marker}" def is_pre(char: str) -> bool: if isinstance(char, str): return char in "\n\r\t -({'\"" else: return True def is_marker(char: str) -> bool: if isinstance(char, str): return char in "*=/+_~" else: return False def is_border(char: str) -> bool: if isinstance(char, str): return char not in "\n\r\t " else: return False def is_body(char: str) -> bool: if isinstance(char, str): return True else: return False def is_post(char: str) -> bool: if isinstance(char, str): return char in "-.,;:!?')}[\"" else: return False TOKEN_TYPE_TEXT = 0 TOKEN_TYPE_OPEN_MARKER = 1 TOKEN_TYPE_CLOSE_MARKER = 2 TOKEN_TYPE_OPEN_LINK = 3 TOKEN_TYPE_CLOSE_LINK = 4 TOKEN_TYPE_OPEN_DESCRIPTION = 5 def tokenize_contents(contents: str): tokens = [] last_char = None text = [] closes = set() in_link = False in_link_description = False last_link_start = 0 def cut_string(): nonlocal text nonlocal tokens if len(text) > 0: tokens.append((TOKEN_TYPE_TEXT, "".join(text))) text = [] cursor = enumerate(contents) for i, char in cursor: has_changed = False # Possible link opening if char == "[": if ( len(contents) > i + 3 # At least 3 characters more to open and close a link and contents[i + 1] == "[" ): close = contents.find("]", i) if close != -1 and contents[close + 1] == "]": # Link with no description cut_string() in_link = True tokens.append((TOKEN_TYPE_OPEN_LINK, None)) assert "[" == (next(cursor)[1]) last_link_start = i continue if close != -1 and contents[close + 1] == "[": # Link with description? close = contents.find("]", close + 1) if close != -1 and contents[close + 1] == "]": # No match here means this is not an Org link cut_string() in_link = True tokens.append((TOKEN_TYPE_OPEN_LINK, None)) assert "[" == (next(cursor)[1]) last_link_start = i continue # Possible link close or open of description if char == "]" and in_link: if contents[i + 1] == "]": cut_string() tokens.append((TOKEN_TYPE_CLOSE_LINK, None)) assert "]" == (next(cursor)[1]) in_link = False in_link_description = False continue if contents[i + 1] == "[" and not in_link_description: cut_string() tokens.append((TOKEN_TYPE_OPEN_DESCRIPTION, None)) assert "[" == (next(cursor)[1]) continue raise Exception( "Link cannot contain ']' not followed by '[' or ']'. Starting with {}".format( contents[last_link_start : i + 10] ) ) if in_link and not in_link_description: # Link's pointer have no formatting pass elif ( (i not in closes) and is_marker(char) and is_pre(last_char) and ((i + 1 < len(contents)) and is_border(contents[i + 1])) ): is_valid_mark = False # Check that is closed later text_in_line = True for j in range(i, len(contents) - 1): if contents[j] == "\n": if not text_in_line: break text_in_line = False elif is_border(contents[j]) and contents[j + 1] == char: is_valid_mark = True closes.add(j + 1) break else: text_in_line |= is_body(contents[j]) if is_valid_mark: cut_string() tokens.append((TOKEN_TYPE_OPEN_MARKER, char)) has_changed = True elif i in closes: cut_string() tokens.append((TOKEN_TYPE_CLOSE_MARKER, char)) has_changed = True if not has_changed: text.append(char) last_char = char if len(text) > 0: tokens.append((TOKEN_TYPE_TEXT, "".join(text))) return tokens def parse_contents(raw_contents: List[RawLine]): if len(raw_contents) == 0: return [] blocks = [] current_block = [] for line in raw_contents: if len(current_block) == 0: # Seed the first block current_line = line.linenum current_block.append(line) else: if line.linenum == current_line + 1: # Continue with the current block current_line = line.linenum current_block.append(line) else: # Split the blocks blocks.append(current_block) current_line = line.linenum current_block = [line] # Check that the current block is not left behind if len(current_block) > 0: blocks.append(current_block) return [parse_content_block(block) for block in blocks] def parse_content_block(raw_contents: List[RawLine]): contents_buff = [] for line in raw_contents: contents_buff.append(line.line) contents = "\n".join(contents_buff) tokens = tokenize_contents(contents) current_line = raw_contents[0].linenum contents = [] # Use tokens to tag chunks of text with it's container type for (tok_type, tok_val) in tokens: if tok_type == TOKEN_TYPE_TEXT: contents.append(tok_val) elif tok_type == TOKEN_TYPE_OPEN_MARKER: contents.append(MarkerToken(False, MARKERS[tok_val])) elif tok_type == TOKEN_TYPE_CLOSE_MARKER: contents.append(MarkerToken(True, MARKERS[tok_val])) elif tok_type == TOKEN_TYPE_OPEN_LINK: contents.append(LinkToken(LinkTokenType.OPEN_LINK)) elif tok_type == TOKEN_TYPE_OPEN_DESCRIPTION: contents.append(LinkToken(LinkTokenType.OPEN_DESCRIPTION)) elif tok_type == TOKEN_TYPE_CLOSE_LINK: contents.append(LinkToken(LinkTokenType.CLOSE)) return Text(contents, current_line) def dump_contents(raw): if isinstance(raw, RawLine): return (raw.linenum, raw.line) return (raw.linenum, raw.get_raw()) def parse_headline(hl, doc, parent) -> Headline: stars = hl["orig"].group("stars") depth = len(stars) # TODO: Parse line for priority, cookies and tags line = hl["orig"].group("line") hl_tags = if hl_tags is None: tags = [] else: tags =[1:-1].split(":") line = HEADLINE_TAGS_RE.sub("", line) hl_state = None title = line is_done = is_todo = False for state in doc.todo_keywords or []: if title.startswith(state + " "): hl_state = state title = title[len(state + " ") :] is_todo = True break else: for state in doc.done_keywords or []: if title.startswith(state + " "): hl_state = state title = title[len(state + " ") :] is_done = True break contents = parse_contents(hl["contents"]) headline = Headline( start_line=hl["linenum"], depth=depth, orig=hl["orig"], title=title, state=hl_state, contents=contents, children=None, keywords=hl["keywords"], properties=hl["properties"], structural=hl["structural"], delimiters=hl["delimiters"], title_start=None, priority=None, priority_start=None, tags_start=None, tags=tags, parent=parent, is_todo=is_todo, is_done=is_done, ) headline.children = [ parse_headline(child, doc, headline) for child in hl["children"] ] return headline class OrgDoc: def __init__(self, headlines, keywords, contents): self.todo_keywords = None self.done_keywords = None for keyword in keywords: if keyword.key == "TODO": todo_kws, done_kws = re.sub(r"\(.\)", "", keyword.value).split("|", 1) self.todo_keywords = re.sub(r"\s{2,}", " ", todo_kws.strip()).split() self.done_keywords = re.sub(r"\s{2,}", " ", done_kws.strip()).split() self.keywords: List[Property] = keywords self.contents: List[RawLine] = contents self._path = None self.headlines: List[Headline] = list( map(lambda hl: parse_headline(hl, self, self), headlines) ) @property def path(self): return self._path ## Querying def get_links(self): for headline in self.headlines: yield from headline.get_links() for content in self.contents: yield from get_links_from_content(content) def getProperties(self): return self.keywords def getTopHeadlines(self): return self.headlines def get_code_snippets(self): for headline in self.headlines: yield from headline.get_code_snippets() # Writing def dump_kw(self, kw): options ="options") if not options: options = "" return ( kw.linenum, "{indentation}#+{key}{options}:{spacing}{value}".format("indentation"), key=kw.key, options=kw.options,"spacing"), value=kw.value, ), ) def dump_property(self, prop: Property): plus ="plus") if plus is None: plus = "" if isinstance(prop.value, Timestamp): value = timestamp_to_string(prop.value) elif isinstance(prop.value, TimeRange): value = timerange_to_string(prop.value) else: value = prop.value return ( prop.linenum, "{indentation}:{key}{plus}:{spacing}{value}".format("indentation"), key=prop.key, plus=plus,"spacing"), value=value, ), ) def dump_structural(self, structural: Tuple): return (structural[0], structural[1]) def dump_delimiters(self, line: DelimiterLine): return (line.linenum, line.line) def dump_headline(self, headline): tags = "" if len(headline.shallow_tags) > 0: tags = ":" + ":".join(headline.shallow_tags) + ":" state = "" if headline.state: state = headline.state + " " yield "*" * headline.depth + " " + state + "spacing" ) + headline.title + tags lines = [] KW_T = 0 CONTENT_T = 1 PROPERTIES_T = 2 STRUCTURAL_T = 3 for keyword in headline.keywords: lines.append((KW_T, self.dump_kw(keyword))) for content in headline.contents: lines.append((CONTENT_T, dump_contents(content))) for prop in lines.append((PROPERTIES_T, self.dump_property(prop))) for struct in headline.structural: lines.append((STRUCTURAL_T, self.dump_structural(struct))) for content in headline.delimiters: lines.append((STRUCTURAL_T, self.dump_delimiters(content))) lines = sorted(lines, key=lambda x: x[1][0]) structured_lines = [] last_type = None for i, line in enumerate(lines): ltype = line[0] content = line[1][1] if ltype == PROPERTIES_T and last_type not in (STRUCTURAL_T, PROPERTIES_T): # No structural opening structured_lines.append(" " * content.index(":") + ":PROPERTIES:\n") logging.warning( "Added structural: ".format( line[1][0], structured_lines[-1].strip() ) ) elif ( ltype not in (STRUCTURAL_T, PROPERTIES_T) and last_type == PROPERTIES_T ): # No structural closing last_line = lines[i - 1][1][1] structured_lines.append(" " * last_line.index(":") + ":END:\n") logging.warning( "Added structural:{}: {}".format( line[1][0], structured_lines[-1].strip() ) ) content = content + "\n" last_type = ltype structured_lines.append(content) if len(structured_lines) > 0: content = "".join(structured_lines) # Remove the last line jump, which will be accounted for by the "yield operation" assert content.endswith("\n") content = content[:-1] yield content for child in headline.children: yield from self.dump_headline(child) def dump(self): lines = [] for kw in self.keywords: lines.append(self.dump_kw(kw)) for line in self.contents: lines.append(dump_contents(line)) yield from map(lambda x: x[1], sorted(lines, key=lambda x: x[0])) for headline in self.headlines: yield from self.dump_headline(headline) class OrgDocReader: def __init__(self): self.headlines: List[Headline] = [] self.keywords: List[Property] = [] self.headline_hierarchy: List[OrgDoc] = [] self.contents: List[RawLine] = [] self.delimiters: List[DelimiterLine] = [] def finalize(self): return OrgDoc(self.headlines, self.keywords, self.contents) ## Construction def add_headline(self, linenum: int, match: re.Match) -> int: # Position reader on the proper headline stars ="stars") depth = len(stars) headline = { "linenum": linenum, "orig": match, "title":"line"), "contents": [], "children": [], "keywords": [], "properties": [], "logbook": [], "structural": [], "delimiters": [], "results": [], # TODO: Move to each specific code block? } while (depth - 2) > len(self.headline_hierarchy): # Introduce structural headlines self.headline_hierarchy.append(None) while depth < len(self.headline_hierarchy): self.headline_hierarchy.pop() if depth == 1: self.headlines.append(headline) else: self.headline_hierarchy[-1]["children"].append(headline) self.headline_hierarchy.append(headline) def add_keyword_line(self, linenum: int, match: re.Match) -> int: options ="options") kw = Keyword( linenum, match,"key"),"value"), options if options is not None else "", ) if len(self.headline_hierarchy) == 0: self.keywords.append(kw) else: self.headline_hierarchy[-1]["keywords"].append(kw) def add_raw_line(self, linenum: int, line: str) -> int: raw = RawLine(linenum, line) if len(self.headline_hierarchy) == 0: self.contents.append(raw) else: self.headline_hierarchy[-1]["contents"].append(raw) def add_begin_src_line(self, linenum: int, match: re.Match) -> int: line = DelimiterLine(linenum,, DelimiterLineType.BEGIN_SRC) if len(self.headline_hierarchy) == 0: self.delimiters.append(line) else: self.headline_hierarchy[-1]["delimiters"].append(line) def add_end_src_line(self, linenum: int, match: re.Match) -> int: line = DelimiterLine(linenum,, DelimiterLineType.END_SRC) if len(self.headline_hierarchy) == 0: self.delimiters.append(line) else: self.headline_hierarchy[-1]["delimiters"].append(line) def add_property_drawer_line(self, linenum: int, line: str, match: re.Match) -> int: self.current_drawer = self.headline_hierarchy[-1]["properties"] self.headline_hierarchy[-1]["structural"].append((linenum, line)) def add_results_drawer_line(self, linenum: int, line: str, match: re.Match) -> int: self.current_drawer = self.headline_hierarchy[-1]["results"] self.headline_hierarchy[-1]["structural"].append((linenum, line)) def add_logbook_drawer_line(self, linenum: int, line: str, match: re.Match) -> int: self.current_drawer = self.headline_hierarchy[-1]["logbook"] self.headline_hierarchy[-1]["structural"].append((linenum, line)) def add_drawer_end_line(self, linenum: int, line: str, match: re.Match) -> int: self.current_drawer = None self.headline_hierarchy[-1]["structural"].append((linenum, line)) def add_node_properties_line(self, linenum: int, match: re.Match) -> int: key ="key") value ="value").strip() if (value.count(">--<") == 1) or (value.count("]--[") == 1): # Time ranges with two different dates # @TODO properly consider "=> DURATION" section start, end = value.split("=")[0].split("--") as_time_range = parse_org_time_range(start, end) if (as_time_range.start_time is not None) and ( as_time_range.end_time is not None ): value = as_time_range else: raise Exception("Unknown time range format: {}".format(value)) elif as_time := parse_org_time(value): value = as_time try: self.current_drawer.append(Property(linenum, match, key, value, None)) except: if "current_drawer" not in dir(self): # Throw a better error on this case raise Exception( "Found properties before :PROPERTIES: line. Error on Org file?" ) else: raise # Let the exception pass def read(self, s, environment): lines = s.split("\n") line_count = len(lines) reader = enumerate(lines) for lnum, line in reader: linenum = lnum + 1 try: if m := RAW_LINE_RE.match(line): self.add_raw_line(linenum, line) elif m := HEADLINE_RE.match(line): self.add_headline(linenum, m) # Org-babel elif m := BEGIN_SRC_RE.match(line): self.add_begin_src_line(linenum, m) elif m := END_SRC_RE.match(line): self.add_end_src_line(linenum, m) # Generic properties elif m := KEYWORDS_RE.match(line): self.add_keyword_line(linenum, m) elif m := DRAWER_START_RE.match(line): self.add_property_drawer_line(linenum, line, m) elif m := DRAWER_END_RE.match(line): self.add_drawer_end_line(linenum, line, m) elif m := RESULTS_DRAWER_RE.match(line): self.add_results_drawer_line(linenum, line, m) elif m := NODE_PROPERTIES_RE.match(line): self.add_node_properties_line(linenum, m) # Not captured else: self.add_raw_line(linenum, line) except: logging.error("Error line {}: {}".format(linenum + 1, line)) raise def loads(s, environment=BASE_ENVIRONMENT, extra_cautious=True): reader = OrgDocReader(), environment) doc = reader.finalize() if extra_cautious: # Check that all options can be properly re-serialized after_dump = dumps(doc) if after_dump != s: diff = list( difflib.Differ().compare( s.splitlines(keepends=True), after_dump.splitlines(keepends=True) ) ) sys.stderr.writelines(diff) # print("---\n" + after_dump + "\n---") raise Exception("Difference found between existing version and dumped") return doc def load(f, environment=BASE_ENVIRONMENT, extra_cautious=False): doc = loads(, environment, extra_cautious) doc._path = os.path.abspath( return doc def dumps(doc): dump = list(doc.dump()) result = "\n".join(dump) # print(result) return result def dump(doc, fp): it = doc.dump() # Write first line separately line = next(it) fp.write(line) # Write following ones preceded by line jump for line in it: fp.write("\n" + line)