#+TITLE: 03-Links #+DESCRIPTION: Simple org file to test links #+TODO: TODO(t) PAUSED(p) | DONE(d) * First level :PROPERTIES: :ID: 03-markup-first-level-id :CREATED: [2020-01-01 Wed 01:01] :END: This is a [[https://codigoparallevar.com/1][web link]]. This is a /italized [[https://codigoparallevar.com/2][web link]]/. This is a link with no description to [[* First level]]. This is [[id:03-markup-first-level-id][a link to a section by id]]. This is a [[https://codigoparallevar.com/3][web link]] followed up with some text. This is a [[https://codigoparallevar.com/4][[tricky web link]​]] followed up with some text. This is [[[https://codigoparallevar.com/5][another tricky web link]]] followed up with some text. * Implicit links :PROPERTIES: :ID: 03-markup-implicit-links :CREATED: [2020-01-01 Wed 01:01] :END: This is an implicit web link: https://codigoparallevar.com/implicit.