#+TITLE: 04-Code #+DESCRIPTION: Simple org file #+TODO: TODO(t) PAUSED(p) | DONE(d) * First Item :PROPERTIES: :ID: 04-code-first-item-id :CREATED: [2020-01-01 Wed 01:01] :END: #+BEGIN_SRC shell :results verbatim echo "This is a test" echo "with two lines" exit 0 # Exit successfully #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: : This is a test : with two lines * Second item :PROPERTIES: :ID: 04-code-second-item-id :CREATED: [2020-01-01 Wed 01:01] :END: #+BEGIN_SRC shell :results drawer echo "This is another test" echo "with two lines too" exit 0 # Comment #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: :results: This is another test with two lines too :end: