import logging import re import collections from typing import List, Tuple BASE_ENVIRONMENT = { 'org-footnote-section': 'Footnotes', 'org-options-keywords': ( "ARCHIVE:", "AUTHOR:", "BIND:", "CATEGORY:", "COLUMNS:", "CREATOR:", "DATE:", "DESCRIPTION:", "DRAWERS:", "EMAIL:", "EXCLUDE_TAGS:", "FILETAGS:", "INCLUDE:", "INDEX:", "KEYWORDS:", "LANGUAGE:", "MACRO:", "OPTIONS:", "PROPERTY:", "PRIORITIES:", "SELECT_TAGS:", "SEQ_TODO:", "SETUPFILE:", "STARTUP:", "TAGS:" "TITLE:", "TODO:", "TYP_TODO:", "SELECT_TAGS:", "EXCLUDE_TAGS:" ), } HEADLINE_RE = re.compile(r'^(?P\*+) (?P\s*)(?P.*)$') KEYWORDS_RE = re.compile(r'^(?P\s*)#\+(?P[^:\[]+)(\[(?P[^\]]*)\])?:(?P\s*)(?P.*)$') PROPERTY_DRAWER_RE = re.compile(r'^(?P\s*):PROPERTIES:(?P\s*)$') DRAWER_END_RE = re.compile(r'^(?P\s*):END:(?P\s*)$') NODE_PROPERTIES_RE = re.compile(r'^(?P\s*):(?P[^+:]+)(?P\+)?:(?P\s*)(?P.*)$') RAW_LINE_RE = re.compile(r'^\s*([^\s#:*]|$)') BASE_TIME_STAMP_RE = r'(?P\d{4})-(?P\d{2})-(?P\d{2}) (?P[^ ]+)( (?P\d{1,2}):(?P\d{1,2})(--(?P\d{1,2}):(?P\d{1,2}))?)?' ACTIVE_TIME_STAMP_RE = re.compile(r'<{}>'.format(BASE_TIME_STAMP_RE)) INACTIVE_TIME_STAMP_RE = re.compile(r'\[{}\]'.format(BASE_TIME_STAMP_RE)) # BASE_TIME_RANGE_RE = (r'(?P\d{4})-(?P\d{2})-(?P\d{2}) (?P[^ ]+)((?P\d{1,2}):(?P\d{1,2}))?', # r'(?P\d{4})-(?P\d{2})-(?P\d{2}) (?P[^ ]+)((?P\d{1,2}):(?P\d{1,2}))?') Headline = collections.namedtuple('Headline', ('start_line', 'depth', 'orig', 'properties', 'keywords', 'priority_start', 'priority', 'title_start', 'title', 'tags_start', 'tags', 'contents', 'children', 'structural', )) RawLine = collections.namedtuple('RawLine', ('linenum', 'line')) Keyword = collections.namedtuple('Keyword', ('linenum', 'match', 'key', 'value', 'options')) Property = collections.namedtuple('Property', ('linenum', 'match', 'key', 'value', 'options')) # @TODO How are [YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm--HH:mm] and ([... HH:mm]--[... HH:mm]) differentiated ? # @TODO Consider recurrence annotations TimeRange = collections.namedtuple('TimeRange', ('start_time', 'end_time')) Timestamp = collections.namedtuple('Timestamp', ('active', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'dow', 'hour', 'minute')) BEGIN_PROPERTIES = 'OPEN_PROPERTIES' END_PROPERTIES = 'CLOSE_PROPERTIES' def parse_org_time(value): if m := ACTIVE_TIME_STAMP_RE.match(value): active = True elif m := INACTIVE_TIME_STAMP_RE.match(value): active = False else: return None if'end_hour'): return TimeRange(Timestamp(active, int('year')), int('month')), int('day')),'dow'), int('start_hour')), int('start_minute'))), Timestamp(active, int('year')), int('month')), int('day')),'dow'), int('end_hour')), int('end_minute')))) return Timestamp(active, int('year')), int('month')), int('day')),'dow'), int('start_hour')), int('start_minute'))) def timestamp_to_string(ts): date = '{year}-{month:02d}-{day:02d}'.format( year=ts.year, month=ts.month, ) if ts.dow: date = date + ' ' + ts.dow if ts.hour is not None: base = '{date} {hour:02}:{minute:02d}'.format(date=date, hour=ts.hour, minute=ts.minute) else: base = date if return '<{}>'.format(base) else: return '[{}]'.format(base) class Line: def __init__(self, linenum, contents): self.linenum = linenum self.contents = contents def get_raw(self): rawchunks = [] for chunk in self.contents: if isinstance(chunk, str): rawchunks.append(chunk) else: rawchunks.append(chunk.get_raw()) return ''.join(rawchunks) + '\n' class Text: def __init__(self, contents): self.contents = contents def get_raw(self): raw = ''.join(self.contents) return raw class Bold: def __init__(self, contents): self.contents = contents def get_raw(self): raw = ''.join(self.contents) return f"*{raw}*" class Code: def __init__(self, contents): self.contents = contents def get_raw(self): raw = ''.join(self.contents) return f"~{raw}~" class Italic: def __init__(self, contents): self.contents = contents def get_raw(self): raw = ''.join(self.contents) return f"/{raw}/" class Strike: def __init__(self, contents): self.contents = contents def get_raw(self): raw = ''.join(self.contents) return f"+{raw}+" class Underlined: def __init__(self, contents): self.contents = contents def get_raw(self): raw = ''.join(self.contents) return f"_{raw}_" class Verbatim: def __init__(self, contents): self.contents = contents def get_raw(self): raw = ''.join(self.contents) return f"={raw}=" def parse_contents(raw_contents:List[RawLine]): NO_MODE = 0 BOLD_MODE = 1 CODE_MODE = 2 ITALIC_MODE = 3 STRIKE_MODE = 4 UNDERLINED_MODE = 5 VERBATIM_MODE = 6 MODE_CLASS = { NO_MODE: Line, BOLD_MODE: Bold, CODE_MODE: Code, ITALIC_MODE: Italic, STRIKE_MODE: Strike, UNDERLINED_MODE: Underlined, VERBATIM_MODE: Verbatim, } mode = NO_MODE escaped = False chunk = [] inline = [] chunks = [] linenum = start_linenum = raw_contents[0].linenum contents_buff = [] for line in raw_contents: contents_buff.append(line.line) contents = '\n'.join(contents_buff) for c in contents: if mode == NO_MODE: if escaped: chunk.append(c) escaped = False elif c == '\\': escaped = True elif c == '*': mode = BOLD_MODE elif c == '~': mode = CODE_MODE elif c == '/': mode = ITALIC_MODE elif c == '+': mode = STRIKE_MODE elif c == '_': mode = UNDERLINED_MODE elif c == '=': mode = VERBATIM_MODE elif c == '\n': chunks.append(Line(linenum, inline + [Text(chunk)])) chunk = [] inline = [] else: chunk.append(c) if mode != NO_MODE: inline.append(Text([''.join(chunk)])) chunk = [] else: if escaped: chunk.append(c) escaped = False was_mode = mode if mode == BOLD_MODE and c == '*': mode = NO_MODE elif mode == CODE_MODE and c == '~': mode = NO_MODE elif mode == ITALIC_MODE and c == '/': mode = NO_MODE elif mode == STRIKE_MODE and c == '+': mode = NO_MODE elif mode == UNDERLINED_MODE and c == '_': mode = NO_MODE elif mode == VERBATIM_MODE and c == '=': mode = NO_MODE elif c == '\n': raise NotImplementedError("[{} | {}]".format(c, chunk)) else: chunk.append(c) if mode == NO_MODE: inline.append(MODE_CLASS[was_mode](''.join(chunk))) chunk = [] assert(len(chunk) == 0) assert(len(inline) == 0) return chunks def parse_headline(hl) -> Headline: stars = hl['orig'].group('stars') depth = len(stars) # TODO: Parse line for priority, cookies and tags line = hl['orig'].group('line') title = line.strip() contents = parse_contents(hl['contents']) return Headline(start_line=hl['linenum'], depth=depth, orig=hl['orig'], title=title, contents=contents, children=[parse_headline(child) for child in hl['children']], keywords=hl['keywords'], properties=hl['properties'], structural=hl['structural'], title_start=None, priority=None, priority_start=None, tags_start=None, tags=None, ) class OrgDom: def __init__(self, headlines, keywords, contents): self.headlines: List[Headline] = list(map(parse_headline, headlines)) self.keywords: List[Property] = keywords self.contents: List[RawLine] = contents def serialize(self): raise NotImplementedError() ## Querying def getProperties(self): return self.keywords def getTopHeadlines(self): return self.headlines # Writing def dump_kw(self, kw): options ='options') if not options: options = '' return (kw.linenum, '{indentation}#+{key}{options}:{spacing}{value}'.format('indentation'), key=kw.key, options=kw.options,'spacing'), value=kw.value, )) def dump_property(self, prop: Property): plus ='plus') if plus is None: plus = '' if isinstance(prop.value, Timestamp): value = timestamp_to_string(prop.value) else: value = prop.value return (prop.linenum, '{indentation}:{key}{plus}:{spacing}{value}'.format('indentation'), key=prop.key, plus=plus,'spacing'), value=value, )) def dump_contents(self, raw): if isinstance(raw, RawLine): return (raw.linenum, raw.line) else: return (raw.linenum, raw.get_raw()) def dump_structural(self, structural: Tuple): return (structural[0], structural[1]) def dump_headline(self, headline): yield '*' * headline.depth + ' ' +'spacing') + headline.title lines = [] KW_T = 0 CONTENT_T = 1 PROPERTIES_T = 2 STRUCTURAL_T = 3 for keyword in headline.keywords: lines.append((KW_T, self.dump_kw(keyword))) for content in headline.contents: lines.append((CONTENT_T, self.dump_contents(content))) for prop in lines.append((PROPERTIES_T, self.dump_property(prop))) for struct in headline.structural: lines.append((STRUCTURAL_T, self.dump_structural(struct))) lines = sorted(lines, key=lambda x: x[1][0]) structured_lines = [] last_type = None for i, line in enumerate(lines): ltype = line[0] content = line[1][1] if ltype == PROPERTIES_T and last_type not in (STRUCTURAL_T, PROPERTIES_T): # No structural opening structured_lines.append(' ' * content.index(':') + ':PROPERTIES:\n') logging.warning("Added structural: ".format(line[1][0], structured_lines[-1].strip())) elif ltype not in (STRUCTURAL_T, PROPERTIES_T) and last_type == PROPERTIES_T: # No structural closing last_line = lines[i - 1][1][1] structured_lines.append(' ' * last_line.index(':') + ':END:\n') logging.warning("Added structural:{}: {}".format(line[1][0], structured_lines[-1].strip())) elif ltype != CONTENT_T: content = content + '\n' last_type = ltype structured_lines.append(content) yield ''.join(structured_lines) for child in headline.children: yield from self.dump_headline(child) def dump(self): lines = [] for kw in self.keywords: lines.append(self.dump_kw(kw)) for line in self.contents: lines.append(self.dump_contents(line)) yield from map(lambda x: x[1], sorted(lines, key=lambda x: x[0])) for headline in self.headlines: yield from self.dump_headline(headline) class OrgDomReader: def __init__(self): self.headlines: List[Headline] = [] self.keywords: List[Property] = [] self.headline_hierarchy: List[OrgDom] = [] self.contents: List[RawLine] = [] def finalize(self): return OrgDom(self.headlines, self.keywords, self.contents) ## Construction def add_headline(self, linenum: int, match: re.Match) -> int: # Position reader on the proper headline stars ='stars') depth = len(stars) headline = { 'linenum': linenum, 'orig': match, 'title':'line'), 'contents': [], 'children': [], 'keywords': [], 'properties': [], 'structural': [], } while (depth - 2) > len(self.headline_hierarchy): # Introduce structural headlines self.headline_hierarchy.append(None) while depth < len(self.headline_hierarchy): self.headline_hierarchy.pop() if depth == 1: self.headlines.append(headline) else: self.headline_hierarchy[-1]['children'].append(headline) self.headline_hierarchy.append(headline) def add_keyword_line(self, linenum: int, match: re.Match) -> int: options ='options') kw = Keyword(linenum, match,'key'),'value'), options if options is not None else '') if len(self.headline_hierarchy) == 0: self.keywords.append(kw) else: self.headline_hierarchy[-1]['keywords'].append(kw) def add_raw_line(self, linenum: int, line: str) -> int: raw = RawLine(linenum, line) if len(self.headline_hierarchy) == 0: self.contents.append(raw) else: self.headline_hierarchy[-1]['contents'].append(raw) def add_property_drawer_line(self, linenum: int, line: str, match: re.Match) -> int: self.current_drawer = self.headline_hierarchy[-1]['properties'] self.headline_hierarchy[-1]['structural'].append((linenum, line)) def add_drawer_end_line(self, linenum: int, line: str, match: re.Match) -> int: self.current_drawer = None self.headline_hierarchy[-1]['structural'].append((linenum, line)) def add_node_properties_line(self, linenum: int, match: re.Match) -> int: key ='key') value ='value').strip() if (value.count('>--<') == 1) or (value.count(']--[') == 1): # Time ranges with two different dates # @TODO properly consider "=> DURATION" section chunks = value.split('=').split('--') as_time_range = parse_org_time(chunks[0], chunks[1]) if (as_time_range[0] is not None) and (as_time_range[1] is not None): value = TimeRange(as_time_range[0], as_time_range[1]) elif as_time := parse_org_time(value): value = as_time self.current_drawer.append(Property(linenum, match, key, value, None)) def read(self, s, environment): lines = s.split('\n') reader = enumerate(lines) for linenum, line in reader: if m := RAW_LINE_RE.match(line): self.add_raw_line(linenum, line) elif m := HEADLINE_RE.match(line): self.add_headline(linenum, m) elif m := KEYWORDS_RE.match(line): self.add_keyword_line(linenum, m) elif m := PROPERTY_DRAWER_RE.match(line): self.add_property_drawer_line(linenum, line, m) elif m := DRAWER_END_RE.match(line): self.add_drawer_end_line(linenum, line, m) elif m := NODE_PROPERTIES_RE.match(line): self.add_node_properties_line(linenum, m) else: raise NotImplementedError('{}: ‘{}’'.format(linenum, line)) def loads(s, environment=BASE_ENVIRONMENT, extra_cautious=False): doc = OrgDomReader(), environment) dom = doc.finalize() if extra_cautious: # Check that all options can be properly re-serialized if dumps(dom) != s: raise NotImplementedError("Error re-serializing, file uses something not implemented") return dom def load(f, environment=BASE_ENVIRONMENT, extra_cautious=False): return loads(, environment, extra_cautious) def dumps(doc): dump = list(doc.dump()) result = '\n'.join(dump) print(result) return result